Hi ,

Wake up!"
"Up & at it!"
"Let's get going!”

"Wait ... where am I going?

If I don’t have a direction how will I know when I have arrived?

How I start my day sets the tone & direction for the rest of my day.

If you know me, you know that one of the activities I do in the morning, before work (in the office or working from home) is getting exercise.  It is routine.

It is enjoyable most times albeit not always. I do know it provides me with many benefits. One of which is a feeling of taking care of myself.

What you may not know is that exercise or physical movement is just part of my morning routine.

A morning routine is a set of activities performed, usually when you rise and before you start your main activity-work or school.

We all have a morning routine.
Most people have a routine that's on autopilot. They go through their morning carrying out the same activities without much thought.
What is rarely contemplated is, how you start your day can set the tone for the rest of the day.

Research shows that a common behavior trait of highly successful people is that they start their morning off with intentional routines. Routines that are designed to help them function at their highest and most creative.

Do you want to hear about some morning M.A.G.I.C that will set you to be functioning at your best?

M.A.G.I.C. is an acronym for a set of activities that will help you intentionally set the focus for your day & get you physically and mentally prepared to ease into & through your 24hrs.
As I go through them think about how you can incorporate the activity.
The goal is to have you perform at your best during the day rather than the day getting the best of you.

M is for Meditation or Quiet Time
No groaning. I hear it now. “I have tried meditation and I…
  • Fall asleep
  • Get distracted
  • Can’t sit that long               

Here is the thing.
All you need to do is take 5 minutes of Quiet Time to influence the direction of
your day.           
  • Pray
  • Breath deeply by focusing on the inhale, then exhale and the sensations in your body
If you get distracted, or your mind drifts, don’t fight it.
Acknowledge it and refocus.

Quiet time in the form of meditation, prayer or just focusing on your breathing,

  • Sets a tone of calm for the entire day.
  • Gives you more energy.
  • Builds focus
  • Provides a sense of wellbeing

A is for Activity
This is where physical movement comes in.
Some may be thinking that
rolling over in your bed is as much physical activity that you can muster.
However, our sedentary lifestyles are harming us more than we realize.

Physical activity is a great way to improve mood, control weight, combat health
conditions, and diseases.

Why in the morning? Less distraction.

Many times physical activity gets pushed aside to later..later..never.
Too many things take priority.
In the morning you have fewer distractions.

Going to the gym is fine but not necessary.
Stretch, dance, stream a yoga or pilates class.
Go for a walk, walk the dog, Situps, jump rope…

Ideally 20-30 mins a day but if you can do 10mins a day it's much better than nothing at all.
Consistently performing any form of physical movement will facilitate:
  • Healthier food choices
  • Improved physical and mental energy
  • A boost in your metabolism
  • Improved sleep

G is for Gratitude
Gratefulness is acknowledging appreciation for people and things that bring us joy.
Acknowledging the goodness in your life, what you are grateful for, helps you
focus on what you have rather than what you don’t have.

Developing an attitude of gratitude is a simple, no-cost way of improving your
A 2009 study by the National Institute of Health(NIH) showed that when we experience feelings of gratitude we flood our brain with the feel-good chemical dopamine.
When we express gratitude for someone or something
our brain gives us a natural high.
The feeling is so good we are motivated to experience
it again and are inclined to show appreciation for or do good for others.

Keeping a gratitude journal where you write down at least 3 people, things, events that you are grateful for every morning can produce this natural boost of well-being.

What benefits does expressing gratitude have?
  • Improved relationships
  • Increased energy and vibrancy
  • Stress relief
  • Reduced anxiety and depression
  • Enhances empathy

I is for Inspiration
Inspiration awakens us to new possibilities by allowing us to transcend our
ordinary experiences and limitations” Harvard Business School.

Start your day with some inspiration.
Who couldn’t use something that can energize you and help
generate new thoughts and ideas?  
Inspiration can come from many places.
Find what resonates with
you and practice it consistently.
  • Read a few pages of a book or article
  • Listen to a podcast or music
  • Watch something that inspires you.
  • Repeat positive affirmations
  • Write

Visualization and affirmations also awaken new possibilities.
Visualize your day the way you would like it to be.
           Ex. You are feel confident and clearly express your thoughts in meetings.

Affirmations are simply positive statements declaring your goal in the completed
state & should make you feel good.

Create three affirmations by completing this statement.
“I am so happy and grateful __________________________

  • I am so happy and grateful that I am strong and am getting through these challenging times.
  • I am so happy and grateful that I am expressing my full potential.

Benefits of Inspirational techniques:
  • Keeps you centered and grounded
  • Facilitates progress towards goals
  • You are open to new ideas

C is for Chug Water
Our body is made up of at least 60% of water. 
Water is important to many of our bodily
functions therefore it is important that we replenish it.
Most people think they're drinking enough water but what I’ve found is, if you're not measuring it and paying attention to it, you're probably not.

Your body dehydrates even as you sleep. Starting your morning by 'chugging' at least 16oz of water/lemon water is the best way to ensure you will drink enough throughout the day.

Benefits to Chugging Water:

  • Removes toxins from the body
  • Improves complexion
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Wake up faster
  • Improve energy level and brain function
                Add lemon/lemon juice
  • Get large amounts of vitamins
  • Aids digestion

So there you have it, five steps to help you create a M.A.G.I.Cal day.
The M.A.G.I.C. routine is to assist you in easing yourself into your day with a positive, motivated, and inspired attitude.

My hope is that you wake up in the morning focusing on areas of body, mind, and spirit that prepare you for having days, where you feel, energized and productive; addressing your needs before addressing everyone else's; where your self-care becomes a priority.

Remember how you start your day sets the tone for the rest of the day.

You are welcome to connect with me if you would like some support creating days that are energizing, meaningful, purposeful.

Share this message with someone you think may find it valuable.

Stay safe. Stay well!

Nancy Smith
Vibrant You Coaching
"Faith, Focus, Finish"
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